SEEDS spreading during covid included the exhibition - the hopes of the huge Saddleback church exhibit and continued work towards the publishing of our catalog. As with the state of the world, we continued in different ways and continued to reach out in all ways allowed. Here is our wild adventure of adapting and rethinking the gallery experience in a suffering world.
Before Covid we gathered with our usual museum & gallery visits and being together with friends visiting studios…
Wendy Wolff and the Nabi group was the best quality time! But The Lord provided new paths. This is what 2020 was all about.
At Crean Lutheran HS new gallery space from January - May. SEEDS shared the artworks of 10 fine artists with our first High School campus.
These are a portion of the 50+ artists in our Epitaphs exhibit spaning 5 years
All this was years in planning with Jason Leith, as SEEDS continued curating the artworks selections…even Mike Weyhrich drawing floor plans,
Covid-19 changed those plans as Saddleback church closed the campus.
Denise opened 2020 with a year’s worth of visions of building community with art installations throughout the year.
So much to do at Saddleback, as the Epitaphs exhibit was to travel from Crean then to Saddleback for the summer
God had new ways outside the walls!
Denise, Silvana TeKenny, Joel & Mich Pelsue, Wendy Wolff, Cindi
David Rhodes, Mike & Denise Weyhrich, Wendy Wolff, Kari Dunham, and Cindi Rhodes
Cindi, Denise & Melissa Moskowitz of Upside Down Gallery, in Westwood Jews for Jesus coffeehouse/gallery.
With LeRoy & Leah Schmaltz within the space honoring LeRoy’s artworks.
With the students, Dennis Carrie shared his portraits of Jewish Holocaust victims of Germany WWII.
Robert Tran & Jessica Tincopa collaborations began with Denise as small bits of community gatherings began in her backyard.
Julie Schleuter always a huge help in all things SEEDS, with portrait for SEEDS with Cindi & Denise
Visiting the home and garage of artists Ann & Hyatt Moore's with Antje Campbell!
Their entire home was a studio treasure from the porch to the backyard! Carved eves, paintings on the walls, tikis and totems everywhere you look!
Denise in the lobby of glass walls surrounding Saddleback church during the lockdown.
Denise finding ways to continue her year as artist in residence at Saddleback church's main campus. The artwork “SEEN” includes 99 lost gloves. In a time where we seem lost, we are always seen by God and loved.
More facetime meetings and keeping in touch.
…and we had the opportunity to share “Casting Crowns” writing prayers for this time fighting covid, and praying for healing.
Instead of installing Epitaph SEEDS participated in innovative solutions, during lockdown outside at Saddleback campus.
The day-to-day work is not glamorous, nor are Cindi’s endless hours sitting at the computer. But step by step we move forward!
Cindi Continuing production and design for our work on our biography, catalog & curatorial discussions. 20 years of history and 65 artworks catalog